Monday, October 15, 2012

Feed Readers

Google Reader and Technorati - what are the differences? For startes, GR is much less cramped and user friendly. There aren't ads that constantly pop up on the sides, and you can do everything within the reader. GR provides you with a clean slate that you can fill with anything you'd like; Technorati seems more along the lines of a portal which connects you to various blogs that, perhaps, you otherwise would not find. However, GR does just the same. You can search right in the reader, similar to Technorati with the exception that it's a reader. In Technorati you can't subscribe to blogs within the website, which truly feels like a lost cause; everything I need is in GT. With this in mind, I do believe it's plain to see that I favour Google Reader far above Technorati. I have no desire to ever sign back into Technorati, just as I hope I'll never have a reason to.

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